What Is The Best Vitamin To Take For Inflammation?

Chronic inflammation can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However, research indicates that these supplements may help reduce inflammation.

A typical short-term biological response to trauma, illness, and worry is inflammation.

However, chronic inflammation can be brought on by poor dietary and lifestyle choices, such as insufficient sleep, tobacco use, and lack of exercise. Chronic inflammation can raise your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Dietary anti-inflammatories, physical activity, adequate rest, and stress management may help reverse chronic inflammation. Taking supplements for added support may be beneficial.

The Best Vitamin To Take For Inflammation

Here are 10 supplements that may help reduce inflammation, according to research.

1. Curcumin

Curcumin is a compound in Indian spice turmeric known for its bright yellow color. It offers numerous remarkable health benefits.

Curcumin may reduce inflammation in various conditions, including diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease, and cancer.

Additionally, it appears advantageous for reducing inflammation and improving osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

According to a randomized controlled trial, people with metabolic syndrome who took curcumin had substantially fewer levels of the markers of inflammation C-reactive protein (CRP) than those who received a placebo.

In a separate study, when 80 individuals with solid malignant tumors were given 150 mg of curcumin daily for eight weeks, most of their inflammatory markers decreased significantly more than those of the control group. In addition, their quality of life scores improved significantly.

Although these benefits are conceivable, curcumin needs too many adequately absorbed into the bloodstream due to its limited bioavailability (the rate at which the body absorbs a substance).

Black pepper and piperine, a component of black pepper, can substantially enhance the absorption of curcumin. Many curcumin supplements contain piperine for this purpose.

To achieve optimal absorption of curcumin, you can combine turmeric and black pepper when preparing.

Taking up to 500 mg of curcumin is safe, but individuals taking higher doses have reported nausea, diarrhea, and headache in studies.

2. Fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids obtained from fish oil pills are vital for optimal health. They may reduce the inflammation caused by diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the two primary omega-3s in fish oil. The organism converts them into ALA, an essential fatty acid.

It has been demonstrated that DHA has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce cytokine levels and promote gastrointestinal health. It could also decrease inflammation and muscle injury afterward, but more research is required.

Several studies demonstrate that DHA supplementation can substantially reduce inflammatory marker levels compared to placebo.

Les dosages of fish oil containing less than 2 grams of combined EPA and DHA are safe, but salmon oil may cause fishy burps, poor breath, indigestion, or gastrointestinal distress.

Before consuming fish oil, consult a healthcare professional if your immune system is compromised or if you are taking a blood thinner.

3. Ginger

Ginger root has a long history of use in herbal medicine and cookery. It treats dyspepsia and nausea as a home remedy, including morning sickness during pregnancy.

Gingerol and zingerone, two components of ginger, may help reduce inflammation associated with various health conditions, including type 2 diabetes. Ginger consumption may also positively affect HbA1c (blood sugar control over three months).

A study found that when people with diabetes were given 1,600 mg of ginger every week for 12 weeks, their glucose control improved, and their inflammation levels decreased substantially compared to the control group.

Women with breast cancer who took supplements containing ginger had fewer markers of inflammation CRP and interleukin-6 (IL-6) than the placebo group, particularly when ginger supplementation was coupled with exercise.

Ginger is safe in doses up to 2 grams daily, but higher doses may have a blood-thinning effect. If you are taking a blood-thinning medication, consult a healthcare professional before consuming ginger supplements over the amount used in cooking.

4. Resveratrol

Resveratrol is an antioxidant present in purple-skinned fruits such as grapes and blueberries. Additionally, it is present in red wine, dark chocolate, and hazelnuts.

It has been extensively investigated for its anti-inflammatory potential in individuals with chronic conditions such as obesity, liver disease, and ulcerative colitis (UC) and those without chronic conditions.

In one study, participants with UC (a form of inflammatory bowel disease) received either 500 mg of resveratrol daily or a placebo for six weeks. Life quality, UC symptoms, and inflammation improved in the resveratrol group.

In another study, supplementation with resveratrol reduced inflammatory markers, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels in obese individuals.

A review of the effects of resveratrol also linked it to increased calorie expenditure and the potential to help reduce body obesity. Due to its limited bioavailability, however, additional research is required.

Most resveratrol supplements contain between 150 and 500 mg per serving and have no notable adverse effects. However, if you are taking a blood thinner, you should advise a medical professional before consuming resveratrol.

5. Spirulina

Spirulina is a blue-green phytoplankton with powerful antioxidant properties. According to studies, it reduces inflammation, promotes healthy aging, and may strengthen the immune system.

Although most research has focused on the effects of spirulina on animals, studies on elderly adults indicate that it may improve inflammatory markers, anemia, and immune function.

It is safe to consume up to 8 grams of spirulina per day, and because it comes in powder form, many people add it to their beverages or smoothies.

There are no known significant side effects, but individuals with autoimmune conditions may want to avoid it because its potential immune-enhancing properties may exacerbate their situation.

6. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient crucial for immune health and may possess potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Multiple studies indicate a correlation between a lack of vitamin D and the prevalence of inflammation.

In a small, high-quality study involving 44 women with low vitamin D levels and premenstrual syndrome, researchers discovered that ingesting 50,000 International Units (IU) of vitamin D each 20 days for four months reduced inflammation relative to the placebo.

Similar results have been found among people with obesity and vitamin D deficiency.

Adults should be at most 4,000 IU per day on a long-term basis. Fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K, are kept in fat cells and can contribute to toxicity if they accumulate over time.

7. Bromelain

Bromelain is a potent enzyme present in pineapple that imparts astringency to the fruit. Too much pineapple causes a stinging sensation due to the enzyme bromelain.

Nonetheless, it may also have anti-inflammatory properties. Bromelain possesses the same anti-inflammatory properties as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) but with fewer side effects.

Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties have received little study in humans, but it effectively reduces postoperative inflammation in patients undergoing wisdom tooth extraction.

Most bromelain pills contain 500 mg of bromelain per serving; no adverse effects have been reported.

8. Green tea extract

Green tea has a lengthy history of use in traditional medicine, and it contains numerous compounds with potential health benefits, including epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), caffeine, and chlorogenic acid.

Anti-inflammatory properties are one of its possible benefits.

In a small study involving obese men, 500 mg of green tea essence every day for eight weeks, in conjunction with three times weekly exercise, substantially reduced inflammation compared to exercise alone or a placebo group that did not exercise.

Researchers hypothesize that EGCG is responsible for many of the anti-inflammatory effects of green tea. As an antioxidant, EGCG can prevent oxidative damage caused by free radicals to your cells, thereby reducing inflammation.

You can purchase EGCG or green tea extract supplements, but be aware that, unless labeled otherwise, green tea extract supplements contain caffeine. Amazon is a retailer of green tea extract supplements.

9. Garlic

Like ginger, citrus, and fatty fish, garlic is a typical food with abundant anti-inflammatory compounds.

Garlic is particularly rich in a compound called allicin. This potent anti-inflammatory agent may also assist in boosting the immune system so that it can better combat disease-causing pathogens.

In one high-quality study, 51 obese adults received either 3.6 grams of aged garlic extract daily or a placebo for six weeks. The inflammatory markers tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) showed significant improvement, as determined by researchers.

They hypothesized that long-term supplementation with aged garlic might reduce the risk of chronic inflammation-related diseases.

There are numerous dosages of garlic supplements, all of which are relatively safe and have few adverse effects (except for garlic breath). In addition, consuming just 2 grams of raw garlic per day, or roughly one clove, may provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

10. Vitamin C

Vitamin C, like vitamin D, is an indispensable nutrient that plays an essential function in immunity and inflammation. As a potent antioxidant, it can reduce inflammation by neutralizing free radicals that cause cellular oxidative damage.

In addition, it enhances the immune system in various other ways, which can help regulate inflammation since inflammation is an immune response.

In addition, high intravenous doses are frequently administered to hospitalized patients with severe respiratory ailments, such as influenza, pneumonia, and even COVID-19, to reduce inflammation.

In healthy individuals, however, doses greater than 2,000 mg may cause diarrhea. Aside from this, vitamin C supplements are generally safe and symptom-free.

Green, yellow, orange, and red fruits and vegetables are all high sources of vitamin C, so it’s simple to meet your vitamin C needs through diet alone.

The Bottom line

Chronic inflammation may increase the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune disorders.

Numerous dietary supplements containing anti-inflammatory nutrients, antioxidants, or other compounds may aid in reducing inflammation in the body.

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