What Foods Give You Energy Before A Workout

Combining carbohydrates and protein before exercise can enhance performance and recovery. In addition to staying hydrated, taking creatine or caffeine supplements may be beneficial.

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts always seek methods to enhance their performance and attain their objectives.

Good nutrition can improve your body’s performance during and recovery from workouts. Not only will optimal nutrient intake before performance, but it will also minimize muscle injury.

Here is all the information you need about pre-workout nutrition.

Knowing what to eat is essential

Before exercise, providing your body with the proper nutrients will give you the stamina and strength you need to perform better.

Each macronutrient has a specific function before exercise. However, the proportion you must consume depends on the individual and the form of exercise.

Below is a summary of the function of each macronutrient.


  • Carbohydrates provide glucose for energy to your muscles.
  • Glucose is processed and stored primarily in the liver and muscles as glycogen.
  • For brief, high-intensity exercise, glycogen is the primary energy source for your muscles.
  • However, the extent to which carbohydrates are utilized during lengthier exercises depends on several factors. These include your diet, training intensity, and training genre.
  • Your muscles have limited glycogen stores. As these reserves are depleted, your output and intensity will decrease.
  • Numerous studies have demonstrated that carbohydrates can increase glycogen storage and utilization and increase carbohydrate oxidation during exercise.
  • Carbohydrate loading, which consists of ingesting a high carbohydrate diet for 1–7 days, is a well-known technique for increasing glycogen stores.


Numerous studies have demonstrated that consuming protein before exercise can enhance athletic performance.

It has been shown that consuming protein (alone or with carbohydrates) before exercise increases muscle protein synthesis.

It was consuming 25 grams (g) of whey protein before exercise enhanced whole-body anabolism, or muscle growth, compared to a placebo.

Other advantages of consuming protein before exercise include the following:

  • Increased muscular size
  • enhanced muscle recuperation
  • enhanced muscular strength and lean body composition
  • improved muscle efficiency


Short, high-intensity bouts of exercise are fueled by glycogen, while prolonged, moderate-to-low-intensity exercise is fueled by fat.

Several investigations have investigated the relationship between fat consumption and athletic performance. However, these studies examined high-fat diets over an extended period, as opposed to before exercise.

One study found that combining a low-carb, high-fat diet with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) improved body composition and maximal oxygen uptake.

The timing of your pre-workout meal is essential

A crucial aspect of pre-exercise nutrition is the timing of your meals.

For optimal training results, consume a balanced supper containing carbohydrates, protein, and fat two to three hours before exercising.

It is particularly essential for longer workouts, as research indicates that pre-exercise meals have little effect on performance during workouts lasting less than one hour.

In some instances, consuming a substantial meal 2–3 hours before exercise may not be possible.

In this case, you can still consume a nutritious pre-workout supper. However, remember that the earlier you eat before exercise, the smaller and more straightforward your meal should be.

If you consume 45–60 minutes before your workout, choose a diet that is easy to digest and rich in carbohydrates and a small amount of protein. It will prevent stomach distress during physical activity.

Some examples of pre-workout meals

What you consume and how much depends on your exercise routine’s type, duration, and intensity.

A decent rule of conduct is to consume a combination of carbohydrates and protein before exercise.

Here are some examples of pre-workout balanced meals:

If your workout starts within 2–3 hours or more

  • Sandwich made with whole-grain bread, lean meat, and a side salad.
  • A breakfast of egg omelet, whole-grain crostini with avocado sauce, and a cup of fruit.
  • brown rice, lean protein, and roasted vegetables

If your workout starts within 2 hours

  • A protein smoothie consisting of milk, protein powder, banana, and assorted berries.
  • cereal with whole grains and milk
  • A bowl of oatmeal garnished with sliced banana and almonds
  • Sandwich of natural almond butter and fruit preserves on whole-grain bread.

If your exercise starts within an hour or less

  • Combined Greek yogurt and citrus
  • Energy bar containing protein
  • Fruit such as a banana, citrus, or apple.

Remember that you do not need to consume multiple pre-workout meals at various times and can choose one of the following.

Experiment with various schedules and nutrient compositions for optimal results.

Supplements can also be helpful before exercise

In sports, supplement use is expected. These products may boost performance, increase strength, lean body mass, and decrease fatigue.

Listed below are the top pre-workout supplements.


  • The most popular sports supplement is creatine.
  • It has been demonstrated to increase muscle mass, muscle fiber size, strength, and power while delaying fatigue.
  • Even though taking creatine before a workout is beneficial, it appears to be even more effective when consumed after a workout.
  • Adequate dosages of creatine monohydrate are 3–5 grams per day.


  • Caffeine has been shown to enhance performance, increase strength and power, reduce feelings of fatigue, and stimulate fat burning, among many other benefits.
  • Caffeine is present in coffee, tea, energy beverages, pre-workout supplements, and pills.
  • It generally has the same effects on performance regardless of how it consumes.
  • The effects of caffeine reach their zenith 90 minutes after consumption. However, it has been demonstrated to be efficacious when consumed 15–60 minutes before exercise.

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)

  • BCAAs are the amino acids valine, leucine, and isoleucine, which are all essential.
  • BCAA supplementation before exercise has been shown to reduce muscle injury and increase muscle protein synthesis.
  • The majority of BCAA benefits have been observed at concentrations of at least 91 milligrams (mg) per pound (lb) or 200 mg per kilogram (kg) of body weight.
  • It implies that a person weighing 165 pounds (75 kilograms) must consume approximately 15 grams of BCAAs daily.


  • Beta-alanine is a type of amino acid that raises muscle carnosine levels. It has been demonstrated to be most effective for brief, intense exercises.
  • It accomplishes this by enhancing exercise capacity and muscular endurance while decreasing fatigue.
  • The recommended daily dose is between 4 and 6 grams, which should consume for at least 2 to 4 weeks.

Multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements

Some individuals favor products that contain a combination of the supplements mentioned above.

This combination of ingredients may have synergistic effects and substantially enhance performance.

In these products, caffeine, creatine, beta-alanine, branched-chain amino acids, arginine, and B vitamins are among the most frequently used constituents.

These pre-workout supplements have improved work output, strength, endurance, anaerobic power, reaction time, focus, and alertness.

The exact dosage depends on the product, but consuming them 30–45 minutes before exercise is generally advised.

Hydration is also crucial

Your organism cannot function without water.

It has been demonstrated that adequate hydration sustains and even improves performance, whereas dehydration is associated with significant performance declines.

Before exercise, it recommends consuming both water and sodium. It will enhance fluid equilibrium.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) suggests consuming fluids steadily at least four hours before exercise. If you do not produce urine or are dark or concentrated, drink slightly more fluids two hours before physical activity.

In addition, they recommend consuming a sodium-containing beverage or refreshment to aid in fluid retention.

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